Pro Tip Grab Bag


Hi, all.  Gee whiz, it’s been a while… I feel like a ghost on my own blog.

Thought I’d pop by with a grab bag of pro tips that aren’t long enough for their own features, but that have been hard-won lessons along the way.  Enjoy.

A 44-minute docusoap typically keeps its pace best at 12-15 scenes.  Don’t overload it.  More is not more.  More is too much.

You can’t tell five stories in an episode with a cast of five people.  People can participate in others’ stories, but it’s best to keep to an A,B,C and maybe single-scene D story.  Yes, if you have a one-scene nonsequitur moment that you want to use (maybe because it’s funny), it probably belongs at the top of Act 2.

Get somebody in the room who hasn’t seen the edit to watch down your rough cut.  You know the material and your brain fills in the gaps in logic and story based on that familiarity.  Let fresh eyes that you don’t have to answer to get a look.

Stick up for the show, not just your ideas.




Published by realitytvtroy

Writer and reality television producer since 2001. Credits at

3 thoughts on “Pro Tip Grab Bag

  1. Ugh. I posted a reply but didn’t pick which media platform to log in as. That comment has now going into the abyss. I’ll try to recreate it now….

    Finally got around to listening to your appearance on the Producing Unscripted podcast. I know, I know. That was LAST YEAR. If I had known you were in it, I would have listened to it earlier. I tend to store up Producing Unscripted podcast email notification until I have a day when I can listen to a bunch all at once. Anyway….

    It was a nice to hear you on their show. As I’ve read your books, nothing new was covered but it was enjoyable to watch nevertheless.

    Now when are you and them going to do something together? Pitch them anything? Anything interest them? They pitch anything to you? Inquiring minds want to know. 😉

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